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How do I login to my customer account?

You can access your customer portal through your store account login. If you have not registered an account, you will need to create an account using the same email address used at checkout. Once your account is registered, you can log in and access

How do I use passwordless login?

Step 1 - Request a passwordless login code. Step 2 - Check your email or text message. A 4-digit authentication code is sent to your email and by text message. This code is valid for four minutes. If the code is not confirmed within that time frame,

How do I edit my account details?

To edit general information such as name, email, or phone number:

How do I update my billing information?

There are two options you can use to update your existing billing information.

How do I add a payment method?

To add a new payment method:

How do I remove a payment method?

To remove an existing payment method:. If you used PayPal as your payment gateway, you can edit the payment method in your PayPal settings. Otherwise, you need to cancel the subscription and start a new subscription via checkout.

How do I add or edit my address?

To add an address, log into your customer portal:. There are two options you can use to update an existing address.

How do I swap products?

To swap a product:

How do I process my order immediately?

Process your order immediately rather than the order date originally scheduled. After an order is processed, the next charge date for the subscriptions in the order gets recalculated based on the subscriptions frequency. For example, if the subscript

How do I skip my next order?

Skipping your next order will skip all subscriptions within the order. One time products cannot be skipped and will get rescheduled to the following order. There are two ways you can skip an order.

How do I skip a subscription?

To skip your subscription:

How do I edit my next order date?

While you're changing the date, following orders will be rescheduled based on this next order and the delivery frequency of the subscription. Login to your customer portal to adjust the order date:. You can also reschedule all subscriptions in an ord

How do I edit the delivery frequency for a subscription?

To edit the frequency for a subscription:

How do I add a one-time product to an order

One-time products can be added to your order. Login to your customer portal to add products:

How do I add a discount?

Discounts get associated with an address and discounts added will be applied to all orders linked to that address as long as the coupon in valid. To add a discount code:

How do I pause a subscription?

Note: These instructions are only for customers whose merchants have enabled the pause subscription. To pause your subscription:

How do I cancel a subscription?

To cancel your subscription:

How do I reactivate a subscription?

If you want to reactivate a subscription that was previously canceled: